The P/S Editorial Board waxes musical and political (but mostly musical) about our Canadian brothers & sisters.
Nick Taggart continues his quest to visit all 88 counties in Ohio with a trip to Putnam County.
JCE on growing up with late 70’s English punk-rock, and his In Memoriam for Brian James of seminal rockers The Damned.
Jeremy Porter shares the debut song from Detroit’s newest band THE NEEDMORES!
Pencil Storm says goodbye to David Johansen. RIP 1950-2025.
JCE says “goodbye” to work. Pencil Storm says “congrats.” (The Godfathers also weigh in.)
Ricki C. on his decades-long admiration for The Last Living Doll (pun intended), and how Pencil Storm readers can help out.
Jeremy Porter remembers Rick Buckler from The Jam, who passed away on February 17th.
A look back to 2016 when Wal Ozello crafted this great playlist for the broken hearted!
Colin catches you up with what is going on on his world.
Times to place your bets on the Super Bowl. Here’s Pencil Storm’s two cents.
One more killer (pun intended) release from 2024 from our Virginia correspondent.
It’s Rocker Birthday Week at Pencil Storm.
Jeremy Porter remembers Marianne Faithfull.
Nick continues his journey to all 88 counties in Ohio with a stop in Union County.
Michigan Man Scott Goldberg with the thoughts on the CFP Championship.
Drummer extraordinaire Jim Johnson on the six-string Columbus Wonders he’s played behind.
Jeremy Porter remembers Whitesnake and Thin Lizzy guitarist John Sykes after his passing.
NBA beat writer Ben Galli checks in on MLK weekend for an update on the Association.
Colin wraps up his Spotify for 2024; quality tunes ensue.
Our picks for the NFL Wildcard Round and other wagers of interest.
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When Colin isn’t busy making coffee and blogs, he’s making music. Follow his band on Facebook.
Pencilstorm Movie Critic Rob Braithwaite encourages you to support The Gateway Film Center. It's an amazing place. Click here to learn more and become a sustaining member.
When Colin isn’t busy making coffee, blogs and music, he’s making fan pages for local rock legends. Folow his Facebook page dedicated to Willie Phoenix.
Colin lost his Facebook page and read the best Kinks story ever.