A Yes/No Question to Rep. Steve Stivers Concerning the National Security Council - by Colin Gawel
To the Honorable Steve Stivers:
Dear Representative Stivers, As you undoubtedly know President Trump recently reorganized the National Security Council by elevating his own chief political strategist to a position while simultaneously demoting both the Director of National Intelligence and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Eliminating the military and intelligence from the Security Council is unprecedented in U.S. history. As is having a Political Advisor serving on the the council in any capacity.
I called your Hilliard office today and had a very nice conversation with one of your staffers and the question I have is this: With your extensive military and political background do you personally believe this reorganization by President Trump is in the best interests of our National security? Yes or no.
Additionally, I would be very interested in your personal opinion of the pros and cons of this new arrangement concerning the NSC. We can publish your response at pencilstormstory@gmail.com or just stop by Colin's Coffee when you have a moment to chat. The coffee is on me.
Thank you for your time.
Respectfully, Colin Gawel, 15th District, Ohio.
Colin Gawel does not represent the opinions of Pencilstorm.com. He does own a coffee shop and is a musician. He was recently profiled on PBS. You can watch the interview here. Or read about him in the book Hitless Wonder.
Thank you for your time.
Colin Gawel - owner of Colin's Coffee, 15th District of Ohio.
You can email any response to pencilstormstory@gmail.com And I would be happy to publish it unedited.