Juliana Hatfield and Paul Westerberg are The I Don't Cares - by Colin Gawel
Juliana Hatfield is playing Ace of Cups Columbus, OH Sunday April Sunday April 30th at 6:30 pm.
I don't know much about Juliana Hatfield except this:
1) Every woman I have ever dated (4) cranks up the song "My Sister" at some point after too many drinks.
2) Everybody references how she was once the lead singer in the Blake Babies and that is very cool.
3) Nobody has seen the Blake Babies or heard any of their music.
Yet still, for no solid reason I've always had Hatfield filed under: Cool beyond reproach. Though if you cornered me in a bar, I couldn't defend that position. I would likely just put a finger in your chest and scream "What's that one song... uh.... you know the one.. SPIN THE BOTTLE? People love that. and..uh....WHAT ABOUT THE BLAKE BABIES? What is ya, ignorant? HUH? HUH?"
It took until the year 2016 for my head to catch up with my heart. That was the year Juliana and Paul Westerberg formed the I Don't Cares and released the amazing garage rock opus Wild Stab. Not many things hipper than teaming up with Paul Westerberg for a super underground, double secret probation, so cool we hope nobody ever hears it slab of semi low fi rock. The promotion of this record makes Guided By Voices look like Michael Jackson History. At least GBV keeps the same name. Wild Stab is basically a side project of the Westerberg side project grandpaboy. Yes, a side project twice removed.
Except it's not that far removed. It's basically a grandpaboy record where Paulie gives about 50% more a shit than usual and that makes it pretty damn amazing. I can only assume the presence of Juliana Hatfield helped push him over the finish line. Bottom line, two major talents joining forces for a common cause. Rock n roll. Dig this!
Now I know five things about Juliana Hatfield:
4) She is a member of The I Don't Cares and I love that band.
5) I need to quit being such a lazy bastard and spend some quality time checking out her new record Pussycat and back catalog. Maybe even the Blake Babies.
Colin Gawel plays in the band Watershed and you can read about him in the book Hitless Wonder. He was rushing to finish this story before Juliana's show at Ace of Cups. Just pretend Guided By Voices wrote the story. The flaws and laziness make it awesome. He also needs to wrap it up and finish mopping Colin's Coffee.