There are seven candidates running for four seats on Upper Arlington City Council. Pencilstorm asked each of the candidates five specific questions centered around issues that impacted Upper Arlington residents and questions that were being raised by fellow voters. Pencilstorm will be posting their complete and unedited answers individually throughout September and reposting all their answers together before the election. School Board candidates will appear in October. Answers will be posted in order they're received. Our second candidate, Michele Montavon Hoyle, is featured below.
Michele Montavon Hoyle, Upper Arlington City Council Candidate
Michele Montavon Hoyle
What makes you qualified to have oversight of the $72 million city budget?
My over thirty years’ experience preparing and reviewing municipal budgets and working with all aspects of city finances make me uniquely qualified among all the candidates to provide the leadership needed to guide our city’s operating budget as well as our substantial and growing capital improvements program and bond portfolio.
What steps do we need to take so that the new community center is the best it can be for all Upper Arlington citizens?
The most important steps moving forward are those that continue the community’s involvement and engagement in the design of both the physical facility and the programs that will be offered. The footprint will create some challenges that will be best met by ongoing communication between our residents and the professionals who will translate those conversations into the best possible facility to meet the needs of all members of the community.
Much work has been done over the past two decades to improve the financial well-being of our city. What are the next steps we need to take for our parks and pools as we continually improve?
We have invested and continue to invest in our city parks and pools, as our recreation facilities are highly prized by our residents and a high priority to me and all members of the current City Council. The many demands placed on our relatively limited park space require careful management of the turf and proactive maintenance of the facilities at all of our parks and pools. I personally would like us to provide more amenities like year-round restrooms to encourage use all year. I’d also like to look at creative ways to staff our pools (like older adult lifeguards – who needs David Hasselhoff?) to extend the outdoor swimming season.
Central Ohio is the fastest growing area in the state and the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission projects we’ll have 3 million residents by the year 2050. What are two things Upper Arlington needs to do to maintain its position as one of the best places to live in Central Ohio?
Greater connectivity and walkability, and access to alternative forms of transportation. As Upper Arlington redevelops, we are seeing higher density developments that have exposed potential issues with traffic and parking in several areas of the city. With these concerns comes heightened interest in transportation alternatives to personal vehicles, and in improved walkability and connectivity throughout UA and to other parts of our expanding metro area. To address connectivity and walkability, this City Council has added funding to encourage neighborhood-initiated sidewalk projects and has incorporated connections to schools and parks in our capital improvements program. A recent survey of seniors in our community also has indicated a need for transportation alternatives when driving is no longer an option. Collectively these pressures will require work with our existing mass transit provider, COTA, to look at current routes to determine if other options provide better service, along with ways to extend the current network using closed loop circulators and/or smaller or alternative vehicles.
Here’s a fun question. We’re all musicians here at Pencilstorm and are excited about the return to live music. What band or performer are you most excited about seeing live again?
I am an eclectic music lover, so I look forward to live music in general. I love musical theater and will see “Dear Evan Hanson” , “Hadestown” and “Hamilton” (for the third time) as soon as local tours come to Columbus. I also love the Columbus Jazz Orchestra and can’t wait to hear Byron Stripling play his trumpet and Bobby Floyd on the B3!
Pencilstorm would like to thank Michele Montavon Hoyle for taking the time to answer our questions. Learn more about Michele at her website: Look for responses from future candidates in the coming days. Pencilstorm is an independent news source and does not endorse any individual candidate.
Local UA Politics coverage provided by Wal Ozello. You can email him at or try to catch him at Colin's Coffee.
Check out coverage of all the candidates we've received responses from by clicking here.