We are taking a break from Metal Health for a little Mental Health
Read MoreLocal Author Launches Memoir About Mental Health And Exercise - by Nita Sweeney
If you live north of Zollinger or south of Lane Road, chances are you’ve seen me jogging along the tree-lined streets with Morgan; my yellow Labrador retriever running partner, canine therapist, and training coach. If Morgan could talk, he would tell you how excited we both are that Mango Publishing is releasing my first book, a memoir.
Depression Hates a Moving Target: How Running with My Dog Brought Me Back from the Brink tracks my journey. At 49-years-old, chronically depressed and unable to jog for more than 60 seconds when I discovered running, I gained an inner strength I didn’t know I possessed, and with Morgan’s help, found myself on the way to completing my first marathon. In my first book, I share how I faced emotional and physical challenges to finish the race and come back from the brink.
As with any “team sport” running and writing takes a fellowship. Much love and gratitude goes to Colin and the gang at Colin’s Coffee for the caffeine, carbohydrates, and camaraderie and I hogged the table closest to the back door during the many years it took to bring this book into the world.
The central Ohio community has opened its arms to help me welcome my “book baby” into the world. I hope to see you at one of these events:
Nita Sweeney Launch Day Book Talk at The Book Loft - May 15th
Join Nita Sweeney celebrate the launch of her new book, Depression Hates a Moving Target, with a reading and talk at The Book Loft of German Village on Wednesday, May 15th at 7PM. Books will be available for purchase.
Depression Hates a Moving Target Presentation - May 28th
Join Nita Sweeney, author of Depression Hates a Moving Target, for a presentation on Tuesday, May 28th at 2PM at the Upper Arlington Senior Center. Nita will share her experiences about using exercise to manage depression and anxiety. Books will be available for purchase.
Nita Sweeney Book Talk/Reading at Prologue Bookshop - May 30th
Book launch celebration continues! Join author Nita Sweeney as she reads from and discusses her new book, Depression Hates a Moving Target, at Prologue Bookshop in the Short North on Thursday, May 30th at 7PM. Books will be available for purchase.
Nita Sweeney Signing at Gramercy Books – June 2nd
Nita Sweeney, author of Depression Hates a Moving Target: How Running with My Dog Brought Me Back from the Brink, will sign books (and chat as much as you like) at Gramercy's "Kitchen Table!" Join Nita for this informal event from 2PM to 4PM.
Nita Sweeney at Marathoner in Training Kickoff - June 8th
Fleet Feet + FrontRunner Worthington – 7227 N. High Street
Nita Sweeney, a long-time MIT member, will speak about using running to manage mental health. Her memoir, Depression Hates a Moving Target: How Running with My Dog Brought Me Back from the Brink will be available for purchase. Please check back for times and more details. MIT runs at 8AM and the store opens at 10AM.
Publishing: What a Ride! - June 23rd
Nita Sweeney, author of the memoir, Depression Hates a Moving Target, will share her publishing experience (can you say roller coaster?) at the Writers' Ink group in Upper Arlington, Ohio at the Kingsdale MCL on Sunday, June 23rd at 1PM. Join the group for food and Nita's discussion of how her book came into the world. Books will be available for purchase.
Writing from the Inside Out - Upper Arlington - August 11th
Join Nita Sweeney, author of Depression Hates a Moving Target, on August 11th for a creativity boost. Nita will teach "writing practice," a term coined by bestselling author Natalie Goldberg, for a technique designed to kick the inner critic to the curb. Books will be available for purchase. Class will be held at the UA Senior Center but is open to all adults. Registration required.
Book Launch Celebration! – June 30th
Gregory S. Lashutka Event Center (the dam keeper’s house) at Griggs Reservoir
Sunday, June 30, 2019 from 1:30PM to 4:30PM
Nita's lifelong dream of publishing a book came true! Please join her, Ed (the #onehundredpercentgoodhusband), and the rest of her family to celebrate the launch of Depression Hates a Moving Target: How Running with My Dog Brought Me Back from the Brink. If you pre-ordered or bought a book elsewhere, please bring it for Nita to sign. Books will also be for sale. Light refreshments will be served.
Author and writing coach Nita Sweeney writes and lives in Columbus, the heart of Ohio. She publishes Write Now Columbus and the blog, Bum Glue. Her first book, a memoir about running and mental health, will be released on May 15, 2019. For more information, visit https://nitasweeney.com or follow Nita Sweeney on your favorite social media channel.