"Dad, That Wasn't a Celebration, That Was a Tribute" - by Colin Gawel

Last year, my son Owen suddenly announced he wasn't going to play flag football anymore. I was mildly surprised, as he had always enjoyed it  but could understand that with most of his friends now playing tackle ball at middle school, it probably wasn't very cool anymore. And yeah, compared to the other sports he plays like basketball and baseball, flag football is a pretty loose ship. Everybody on the team plays the same amount and everybody has to get mostly equal touches. They don't even practice during the week. So for a kid like Owen who is "in it to win it" as they say, I could understand his decision.

So I was surprised this year when he suddenly announced, "I think I want to play flag football again."After all,  we do live in Columbus, Ohio, home of the Ohio State Buckeyes so I guess he figured after a year off, SOME football is better than no football. We signed him up past the deadline and lucky for us they had room to add him to a team.

Last Sunday, he caught a ball in the flat, made a couple of moves and took it to the house. Once in the end zone, he assumed a position like he was a baseball pitcher, did a full wind-up, dropped the ball and followed through with his arm motion. He gave a big strike sign like an umpire and then dropped to one knee and pointed both hands to the sky.

I thought, "That's a pretty good one." Most kids in flag football do some kind of dance or celebration after they score, so I've seen the dab, superman & others many times. And it isn't like the kids are showing off. Like I said, flag football is all about fun. In fact, Owen's coach this year has a rule that celebrations are mandatory if your score. 

So later that night, watching WWE Clash of Champions at home he said, "Dad, what did you think of my tribute today." "What do you mean?" I asked. "You know, after my touchdown?" Owen replied.

"Oh, your celebration. Yeah, that was a pretty clever one."

He muted the sound on the TV: "Dad, that wasn't a celebration, that was a tribute." I paused. "I guess I don't understand." He explained, "I told myself that if I scored a touchdown today I was going to do something to honor Jose Fernandez." For those who don't follow MLB, Jose Fernandez was an all-star pitcher for the Miami Marlins who was tragically killed in a boating accident the night before. He was only 24, full of talent and loved by fans and teammates.

"So that wasn't a celebration. That was a tribute because I'm sad Jose Fernandez died and I was thinking about him. We are both pitchers you know."

How stupid I am? I didn't even recognize what he was doing with the fake pitch and the point to heaven. "Owen, that's about the nicest thing I've ever heard. I'm sure Jose appreciated it."

We went back to watching wrestling. 

Colin Gawel owns Colin's Coffee and plays in the band Watershed. You can read about him in the book Hitless Wonder or see the band in Detroit Saturday October 8th. He is currently reading the latest book by Chuck Klosterman. 




Is Owen Gawel the Next Daxx Nielsen? Happy Father's Day from Colin G.

I don't remember the exact date, but I do remember Watershed was opening for Cheap Trick at the Newport Music Hall in Columbus, OH when they were touring behind the under-rated "Woke Up with a Monster" record. We were waiting in the wings to load our gear and the Trick had just fished sound-checking with a thunderous version of "Let Her Go" from said album.

As they finished, somebody mentioned it was Father's Day and each member dropped everything and went to one another and wished each other a Happy Father's Day with a heartfelt hug. And I don't mean briefly: Rick shook Tom's hand and they hugged, Robin shook Rick's hand and they hugged and so on. I think Bun did the same with everybody but I only remember the guys at the front of the stage. 

At this point I was 24 years old, playing 200 shows a year and parenthood was quite possibly the very last thing on my mind. (Unless trying to avoid it counts) Yet, here was my all time favorite band hugging each other in full view and wishing each other Happy Father's Day.  

It was so not rock n roll. It was also one of the coolest things I had ever seen. It was obvious that these guys cared deeply about being parents. Hell, I didn't even know they had kids. To me, they were just rock n roll super heroes who just endlessly roamed the globe playing to packed houses every night. I heard that one of the guys from the Elvis Brothers might have been related to Robin, but that was just a rumor. I digress.......

Anyway, if you have been a fan of Watershed, read the book Hitless Wonder, visited Pencilstorm or chatted with me at Colin's Coffee or a bar, you are painfully aware how big of Cheap Trick fan I am. As such, I couldn't help but notice that while losing an all-time great drummer like Bun E. Carlos is a blow, replacing him with Rick's son Daxx was a masterstroke. Cheap Trick is in his DNA and it shows. Bun E. is a legend, but Daxx has brought a whole new energy to the band. If you need proof, Check out the recent set list from Red Rocks.

Hmmm…..I got to thinking.....drums are a very physical instrument. Sooner or later even the very best wear out and have to stop touring. (Except Charlie Watts.) Never hurts to plan ahead just in case.  Hopefully it's years away, but if Cheap Trick can thrive with Daxx Nielsen on the stool, perhaps Watershed could have a similar renaissance with Owen Gawel in the year 2027? 

Owen is just 11 years old and though he has never had a drum lesson, he has had access to a full-band rehearsal room in our basement since he was four. A couple times a week he puts down the baseball/basketball, picks up some sticks and head downstairs to play along to some AC/DC. This year at the end of 5th grade, some talented girls in his class heard he could play drums and asked him to sit in with them as they played "Faithfully" (Journey ) for a school assembly.

I was thinking, "'Faithfully,' in front of your boys with a bunch of girls? Dude, prepare for beatings on the playground."

O was unfazed. "Sure, I'll do it. It's a gig." 

That's my boy. Now get cracking on "5th of July" And then get those dirty clothes off the floor before Mom gets home.

Below: Owen playing for the very first time in front of his elementary school.

Below that: Daxx playing with his Dad and some of his Dad's friends in front of a bunch of boozed up gamblers. Both are tough crowds.   

Happy Father's Day  from all of us at Pencilstorm. Colin Gawel.

Owen, Eva, Arianna and Rylee perform Faithfully at Wickliffee Town Meeting. 5th grade .Kathy Zelnick directs.

Cheap Trick - Lookout - Enoch, AB 03/26/10