Owen Finally Checks The Hives Off His List - by Colin Gawel

One byproduct of my wife & I both running small businesses is that our son Owen never spent much time in day-care or after-school programs. We had combined flexibility to cover his schedule most of the time. While this is surely a blessing, on occasion it could feel like a curse (i.e. the morning after a gig). Parenting a young child is hard work and requires mental toughness along with physical energy to get through the day.

One of the preferred tools in my parenting toolbox was rock n roll. Starting at a very young age,  whether with bootleg KISS VHS tapes playing on the TV or music blasting while we threw baseballs in the yard, music was ALWAYS playing. I capitalized the word always because I’m serious. Ask Owen, I cannot do anything without music playing in the background. Everything goes on pause until the tunes start back up.

The upshot of all this is that Owen became a very knowledgeable rock n roll fan at a very young age. In pre-school, when he wasn’t singing along and the teacher asked him why, he said he didn’t like the song. She asked, “What songs do you like?” He answered, “I like Cheap Trick songs.” Once I told him if he wanted to be a real Aerosmith fan he should be able to name what song was on which album and I started quizzing him. Eventually, I couldn’t stump him: “Critical Mass?” Owen’s answer, Draw the Line.

Owen is just finishing his freshman year of high school so his hardcore rock n roll days are behind him for the time being: Hip Hop/Rap, or what have you, are what the kids are into these days. Sure, some of the songs make me throw up in my mouth a little. Okay, maybe most of the songs have that effect but I understand. I’m pretty sure my parents weren’t too jazzed about the song “Lick It Up” or when I needed a ride at 4 am to wait in line for Iron Maiden tickets. Parents aren’t supposed to like what the kids are listening to. That ruins all the fun.

However, along the way Owen and I managed to catch a bunch of great rock n roll shows:

Cheap Trick x 6

KISS x 3

Aerosmith X 2

Bruce Springsteen X 3

The Who

The Rolling Stones

Foo Fighters


That pretty much covers every band Owen was ever obsessed with for any period of time except for…..The Hives. Unless The Ramones come back from the grave, this is the last big-time band Owen really wants to see. It’s the end of an era.

So, finally…..The Hives are coming to Columbus, Ohio for the Sonic Arts Festival and we are planning on being there. When I asked if he wanted to go, he gave an enthusiastic, “Yeah, I guess that sounds okay.” Which is actually a ringing endorsement coming from a teenager. And to be honest, I dread going to this stupid festival with my computer-activated wristband and $25 parking fee, but I digress. I am truly excited to watch The Hives, one of the greatest rock n roll bands of all time, even if just for a 40 minute set from the bleachers. And sharing it with Owen makes it even better.

Colin Gawel plays rock n roll both solo and in the band Watershed. He wrote this at Colin’s Coffee in Upper Arlington, Ohio. To learn more click Colin tab at the top of the screen.

Come On! - 00:00:00 Main Offender - 00:01:42 Walk Idiot Walk - 00:03:50 My Time Is Coming - 00:07:50 Hate To Say I Told You So - 00:10:21 Wait A Minute - 00:14:36 Go Right Ahead - 00:17:48 Tick Tick Boom - 00:20:30

Screen-Free for Jack White, Owen and Me - by Colin Gawel

It’s hard to believe my son Owen is headed into high school next year. One of the benefits of growing up is expanded independence, which leads to expanded video game and screen time. In an effort to slow the world-wide dominance of the crack pipe known as Fort Night, I started a facebook page called Summer Screen Free 12 to 3. (Click here for link to  page). The idea is as simple as it sounds: Try to get kids off screens daily from noon until 3 p.m. If everybody is offline, nobody is missing out. Or put another way, you can all go through the screen withdrawal shakes together.

The page is set up as a place for parents to share their stories of success and of failure. Also, the model is fluid. In our home, Owen can use his phone during restricted hours to listen to music or a pre-approved podcast. But no social media, games or watching shows. And if he wants to watch a quality movie or documentary, he can do as long as it is on a TV (not an Ipad or phone) and - once again - is pre-approved by the parent. Think Band of Brothers, It Might Get Loud or a Ken Burns documentary.

Part of the deal is that I refrain from screens and social media during the same time, too. Tougher than it seems.

Along the same lines of getting summer off to a good start, I spontaneously sprung for tickets to the Jack White show June 4th at Express Live. Owen used to spend many hours in our basement drumming along to songs on his headphones. He even used to ask me to jam with him. That all sort of stopped about a year back, or to be honest, when rap replaced rock n roll as his favorite genre of music.

Look, I have no problem with kids finding their own thing. I know I did. Certainly my parents weren’t cranking up Number Of The Beast on our family road trips. He can listen to whatever he wants. Still, it made me a little sad to see his musical side fade into the background. The Kid had some talent.  Maybe some loud guitars would flush some of that rap out of his ears and jumpstart his rock n roll heart. I figured $100 was a reasonable price to pay for a shot at inspiration. 

Just by chance our schedule lined up perfectly with Owen and I driving right by the concert returning from summer basketball on a beautiful night. I didn’t ask if he wanted to go, I just pulled the trigger and told him to start doing his Jack White homework because we are going to see him. He asked when, I replied tonight, he said, "what? like right now?" Me - "yup." As a parent I can improve on asking less and doing more. He had no input, we were going to the show, period. 

We missed the first couple tunes but shuffled our way through the sold out crowd to find a decent vantage point on the lawn. Owen had never been to a festival type event and couldn’t believe there were no seats. “You mean I could just get here early and go right down front in the pit?”  “Yup.” “That’s pretty cool”

Jack was Jack. A poor man’s Prince meets a poor man’s Zeppelin and I mean that in the highest regard. The dude is a bad mofo and reigning guitar hero of the world. The show is a little tough to follow as it wanders in and out of heavy guitar riffs with few breaks between jams, but the musicality is undeniable. And seeing Seven Nation Army live should be on every teenage boy’s bucket list.

We both enjoyed the show and when I got to relive it the next day when the setlist was posted on Setlist Fm, I just fell in love with it. (https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/jack-white/2018/express-live-columbus-oh-13ed5589.html )

Oh, did I mention…  NO PHONES ALLOWED at JACK WHITE. It was great. Owen and I left ours in the car and stayed in the moment. It was great to see a show without everybody holding up their phones taping it. (Which never made sense to me since everything is on youtube anyway. but I digress..) Owen liked the no phone policy too.  See, this screen-free stuff isn’t sooo bad.

Anyway, the next morning I stopped home from the coffee shop around lunchtime to check on O and see how the screen free 12 to 3 was going. I opened up the door to the sound of drums being played in the basement. I closed the door and went back to the coffee shop.

Colin Gawel founded Pencilstorm and plays in the band Watershed and The Bowlers.  He occasionally writes things at Colin’s Coffee in Columbus,Ohio. He wrote this between the hours of 12 and 3 while staying off screens.

Below: Soon to be high school freshman Owen Gawel behind the kit  for the 5th grade Wickliffe Elementary talent show. 


Ray Davies is the Best Songwriter Exhibit C (Father Christmas)

It's Christmas Eve, take one huge guess which song we shall be featuring today?  There have been many great Christmas songs, but in all seriousness, I think reasonable people can agree "Father Christmas" is right near the top of the list.  We can also all probably agree that "Still Love Christmas" by me is near the top as well. (Ha.) Happy Holidays from all of us at Pencilstorm. Thanks for reading! Lyrics and video below.

To read Ray Davies is the greatest songwriter exhibit B click here 



 "Father Christmas" Songwriter: Ray Davies

When I was small I believed in santa claus
Though I knew it was my dad
And I would hang up my stocking at christmas
Open my presents and I'd be glad

But the last time I played father christmas
I stood outside a department store
A gang of kids came over and mugged me
And knocked my reindeer to the floor

Father christmas, give us some money
Don't mess around with those silly toys.
Well beat you up if you don't hand it over
We want your bread so don't make us annoyed
Give all the toys to the little rich boys

Don't give my brother a steve austin outfit
Don't give my sister a cuddly toy
We don't want a jigsaw or monopoly money
We only want the real mccoy

Father christmas, give us some money
Well beat you up if you make us annoyed
Father christmas, give us some money
Don't mess around with those silly toys

But give my daddy a job cause he needs one
Hes got lots of mouths to feed
But if youve got one, I'll have a machine gun
So I can scare all the kids down the street

Have yourself a merry merry christmas
Have yourself a good time
But remember the kids who got nothin
While you're drinkin down your wine

The Kinks (Ray Davies) on German TV in 1977 "father Christmas"....Father Christmas, give us some money Don't mess around with those silly toys.

The title song to Colin Gawel and the Lonely Bones' December 2010 release. We shot the video at the "Still Love Christmas" release party at Rumba Cafe in Columbus, OH. COLINGAWEL.com