New Colin Gawel Song CD102.5 Friday @ Noon! Tune In! Spread the Word!

Hey all, just giving you the heads up that today (Friday, June 27th) at noon,  CD102.5 FM here in C-bus will be giving you the first listen to a brand new song by yours truly. And just in time for Comfest weekend to boot! 

Because CD102.5 is one of the last independent rock n roll radio stations left on the planet and are so cool as to be so supportive of new music, it is crucial we tune in and let them know how much we appreciated them.

So, Tune into CD102.5 this Friday at noon to hear a brand new Colin Gawel tune and if you dig, let them know you dig. Dig?

Text: request colin podcast  To: 68683               

Thanking you in advance and see you at Comfest, Sunday June 29th, 7pm.  (Off Ramp Stage) - Colin G.


Our Debut "Podcast" Coming Next Week. Stay Tuned.

Words, words, thoughts, thoughts, reading, reading. It all gets very tiring doesn't it?. In an effort to soothe yours and our overworked brains, Pencilstorm will be featuring a Podcast the week of June 23th. Now you can just mindlessly listen to your favorite Pencilstorm staff members chat about all the interesting topics we love to cover for your pleasure and forget about that cumbersome reading that is so taxing on your eyeholes. So stay tuned  and click on the link to our "Podcast" when it appears next week. I personally guarantee satisfaction and a pleasant surprise as well. - Colin