Click Here to Watch Foo Fighters w/ Rick Nielsen on Letterman.

I have a question and I know you have it too. Why Isn't Cheap Trick in the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame? Gheesh. Now it's just getting silly. Anyway, please enjoy this scorching version of the Cheap Trick classic "Stiff Competition" compliments of Foo Fighters and Rick Nielsen as performed on Late Night with David Letterman. The new Foo's show "Sonic Highways" premiers this week on HBO. I will be watching.  -  Colin G.

Rick Nielsen joins Foo Fighters for a cover of Cheap Trick's "Stiff Competition."

Robin Zander and Rick Nielsen Held Up This Black Concert T-Shirt and We Can Prove It

I have a question and I know you you have it too: Why Isn't Cheap Trick in the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame? It's a simple question, but nobody seems to have an answer. To try and get to the bottom of this, Joe Oestreich wrote a best selling book with Cheap Trick as a major character, I ranked every single Cheap Trick song and then with help from The Lonely Bones started a band called, "Why Isn't Cheap Trick in the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame?". They played some free concerts to help assemble some clues to solve this mystery. The shows got a bunch of national press and everybody agreed that it is essential that the answer be found. and soon. 

Last week in Columbus, Ohio in front 5,000 boozed up rock n roll fans, Rick and Robin helped the cause by holding up a "Why Isn't Cheap Trick in the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame? " T- shirt before playing "Surrender". Looks for it in the clip below around 35 seconds in. If you want a shirt yourself, A couple are still left so click here ASAP.


Colin Gawel really, really likes Cheap Trick. He does other things too. Read about him and other Pencilstorm contributors here. 

Cheap Trick performing Surrender live at Lifestyle Communities Pavilion, Columbus, Ohio on Saturday, July 13, 2013 at the Q96 Wing Zing event.