Jeremy Porter reviews Cheap Trick’s concert in Bay City, Michigan on July 11, 2021.
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I have a question and I know you you have it too: Why Isn't Cheap Trick in the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame? It's a simple question, but nobody seems to have an answer. To try and get to the bottom of this, Joe Oestreich wrote a best selling book with Cheap Trick as a major character, I ranked every single Cheap Trick song and then with help from The Lonely Bones started a band called, "Why Isn't Cheap Trick in the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame?". They played some free concerts to help assemble some clues to solve this mystery. The shows got a bunch of national press and everybody agreed that it is essential that the answer be found. and soon.
Last week in Columbus, Ohio in front 5,000 boozed up rock n roll fans, Rick and Robin helped the cause by holding up a "Why Isn't Cheap Trick in the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame? " T- shirt before playing "Surrender". Looks for it in the clip below around 35 seconds in. If you want a shirt yourself, A couple are still left so click here ASAP.
Colin Gawel really, really likes Cheap Trick. He does other things too. Read about him and other Pencilstorm contributors here.