The Quarantine Blues: Musicians Killing Time in Isolation, Part Thirteen - James Alex of Beach Slang

In an effort to formalize our Quarantine Blues series a bit, we’ve devised a 5-question quiz to pose to the musicians & other media figures sharing in the Covid-19 stay-at-home orders sweepstakes. There will be new entries every coupla days.

Beach Slang were just about to continue their incredible run with a tour supporting their new album The Deadbeat Bang of Heartbeat City when the Coronavirus put everything on hold. James checks in to let us know what he’s been up to while he rides out the storm. Check out the Beach Slang Website and Facebook for more info!

1) How are you getting your live music fix? Any live streams or Youtube clips that standout?

I’ve been full-time consuming everything by The Beatles, Queen and Shane MacGowan.

2) What else have you been watching, listening to and reading to pass the time?

Watching: Schitt’s Creek, Arrested Development, Waco, anything by John Hughes, anything by Harmony Korine, Valley Girl and Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

Listening: AC/DC, Sebadoh, Stephin Merritt, Brian Wilson, Redd Kross, Circle Jerks and Randy Newman.

Reading: anything by Charles Bukowski, Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky, Trouble Boys by Bob Mehr and Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut.

3) How are you managing (or not) to stay creative / healthy?

Writing songs, making art, and raising soft hell with my sons. I’m a pretty reclusive house rat so being locked down doesn’t feel all that out of the ordinary for me.

4) You have to pick just 3 records to listen to till this is over. What are they?

Ah, this is tough, but, right now, “High Voltage” by AC/DC, “Let It Be” by The Replacements and “Sheer Heart Attack” by Queen.

5) Food Time! Have you been cooking in or carrying out? Favorite recipes or restaurants you're supporting? What's in the liquor cabinet? Share your quarantine eating and drinking habits and changes!

I pretty much eat the same three meals all the time. I’m annoyingly low maintenance. So, yeah, pretty much cooking in. However, there's an upside-down pizza from this spot I’ve been going to since I’ve been a kid. I’m still carrying that out for sure. As far as liquor, my cabinet is stuffed with enough vodka and wine to ride me through a real good stretch. Bukowski wrote, “If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget; if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate; and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.” I’ve always liked that.

Thanks! Any final thoughts you would like to share?

Stay safe. Keep well. Throw joy around recklessly.