Neil Peart TV Party Tonight! Tribute - by Colin Gawel

(This blog originally ran January 9th, 2020.)

Like countless others, I spent many hours going down a RUSH rabbit hole following the sad news that Neil Peart had passed away after a three year battle with brain cancer. Actually, I learned the news as 2112 happened to be playing on the jukebox where I was spending happy hour. I was stunned and surprised to find myself quickly tearing up. I use the word surprised because while I consider myself a Rush fan, I’m not a huge fan compared to the true believers. Sure 2112 was the third album I ever owned (that’s it on the cover picture to this story) and I wore it out. And though I’ve bought almost every record, I’ve never listened to Hemispheres all the way through more than once and usually go to the bathroom when they play La Villa Strangiato live. Blasphemy! Speaking of live, I’ve seen RUSH 5 or 6 times and once spent the night in front of Buzzard’s Nest to get great seats. But I’ve skipped tours for the past decade (though I always considered going) and after the record Hold Your Fire was released in 1987, I just sort of tuned out Neil and Rush. I had moved on to the lyrics of Paul Westerberg, Ray Davies and Bruce Springsteen. Most damning of all, I’m still not sure that if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice. That might not be true.

However, growing up in the Midwest, RUSH were an unstoppable force ten. Every Rush album and tour was a MAJOR event on the playground. They were bigger and more serious than the other hard rock bands. They were on the radio constantly. Hell, they still are. I suppose they were my generation’s Led Zeppelin. In addition, EVERYONE agreed that Neil Peart was the greatest drummer of all time. Now, obviously, that is a subjective statement, but try telling that to middle school kids playing basketball in Worthington, Ohio in 1983. That was the law. So when I heard Neil was gone, it really hurt. Personally on par with any of the big ones rock n roll has lost recently. Go figure. I didn’t realize it until he passed, but it turns out Neil Peart was a giant in my musical world.

Ok, enough of my yappin’ let’s go down the rabbit hole as TV Party Tonight salutes Neil Peart.

Let’s not overthink this and kick things off with a clipped simply titled: Rush - Best intro EVER!!!!!!. Damn, It might be. Genius. Wish I had seen this tour. I would have been tearing seats out of the ground and hitting people over the head by the end of this opening medley.

RUSH - Best intro EVER!!!!!!!!!!

Since “The Professor” was a nerdy, kinda wordy guy, let’s pump the breaks and dig some quick interviews before jumping back into the music. My biggest takeaway from watching him talk is how much I like Neil Peart the person. What a great guy. I hope my son watches this first one. Lots of good stuff.

He's a Canadian-American musician and author. He's best known as the drummer and primary lyricist for the rock band Rush. He has received numerous awards for his musical performances. He's Neil Peart and here are his Top 10 Rules for Success. .:;$ JOIN MY #BELIEVE NEWSLETTER $;:.

Beyond the Lighted Stage is an excellent documentary. These next two clips are my favorite featuring Neil. The first is him explaining his decision to improve his playing while taking drum lessons later in life. I just love this. The second is much heavier as Neil loses both his daughter and wife in a short period of time and RUSH goes on indefinite hiatus.

Excerpt from Beyond the Lighted Stage rockumentary on Rush, A classic band saw them live in Krefield Germany in 1981. For Educational use only no copyright infringement intended Neil Peart and freddie Gruber sharing musical genius with the world. Buy the Film and watch it its brilliant.

Starring Rush, Billy Corgan, Jack Black and Trent Reznor Directed by Sam Dunn and Scot McFadyen Edited by Mike Munn

The 3rd record I ever owned and still my favorite RUSH album. My first and second records were KISS Alive and Aerosmith Toys in the Attic. My hot streak ended with albums four and five which were ELO OLE and BTO Four Wheel Drive, respectively. Still, as Meat Loaf (almost) sings, three out of five ain’t bad. I still get chills when the opening starts. Who writes this? Who can play this? Not me.

Uploaded by TheFfilesmusicpage on 2017-07-31.

And then that time the Foo Fighters dressed up like Rush.

Members Dave and Taylor of the Foo Fighters performing RUSH's 2112 Overture in VINTAGE RUSH costumes!! from the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles, CA on 4/18/2013

Speaking of the Foo Fighters , how about that time Geddy and Alex surprised Foo drummer Taylor Hawkins to play YYZ, on his birthday in Toronto no less. At about 2:00 the dude filming this starts screaming “Holy Fuck” over and over as he realizes what is about to happen. Soon after it appears a riot breaks out.

Digg this: Rush surprises us all and takes the stage during the Foo Fighters concert in Toronto, and play YYZ! March 22nd, 2008 Air Canada Centre

But what if you took the dude who filmed that last clip, cloned him 50,000 times and then filled a stadium for a RUSH show in RIO? I think it might look… a little….. like….. this……. (HOLY FUCK!)

Rush - YYZ Live (Rio)

Man, those Brazilians sure can party. KISS couldn’t sell out Dayton Hara Arena on the Creatures of the Night Tour but yet drop them into RIO and you get the following. *Note to self: Have Biggie schedule Watershed tour of Brazil.

The band played to the largest crowd of their career - 200,000. Estádio do Maracanã, one of the hottest places on earth!

Seriously though, Rush opened many shows for KISS when both were struggling to make it. The bands remain friends to this day. Click here for Paul talking about Rush.

And now a couple deep cuts of personal favorites. I purchased Grace Under Pressure the summer before my freshman year of high school. I had just stepped out of Singin’ Dog Records with my copy and was waiting for the bus when I suddenly barfed. Turned out I had chicken pox. I was stuck at home for two weeks in quarantine so I played it over and over and still have a soft spot for it to this day.


After a little research it turns out the last time I saw Rush was August 8th, 2002 at Polaris Amphitheater in Columbus. That’s way too long. Geez, I am a lousy Rush fan. Anyway, I remember they played two sets and opened the show with Tom Sawyer which was pretty crafty. They opened the 2nd set with this “new” song and I was blown away. Click here for the full setlist.

recorded live in Germany during the 30th Anniversary tour

A drum solo please..

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Professor on the drum kit... Neil Peart Drum Solo in 1920x1080 HD on David Letterman Jun 09 '11 Video bitrate - 12.7 Mbps Audio bitrate - 384 Kbps (6-ch AC-3)

And let’s wrap it up with a deep, deep dive. How deep you ask? How about 2 hours and 58 minutes of Neil Peart Masterclass. Just amazing. RIP Neil Peart 1952-2020

Neil Peart - Anatomy of a Drum Solo (Masterclass) Anatomy of a Drum Solo is an instructional DVD by Rush drummer Neil Peart, presenting live and in-studio pe...

Colin Gawel founded Pencilstorm and plays solo and in the band Watershed. They can play all of the Temples of Syrinx and the first half of Spirit of the Radio. Click here for TV Party Tonight Episodes 1-10.
