Watershed Week / Monday Edition / Ricki C. On The Scene

Back in 2012 & 2013 - before the inception of Pencil Storm - I used to cover all things Watershed from my shotgun seat in the van, in my own blog Growing Old With Rock & Roll. Here’s links to my seven favorite entries from that time. I have resisted the tempation to rewrite or update any of the stories.

The two-night record release party for Watershed’s new album - Blow It Up Before It Breaks - will take place this Friday & Saturday, June 14th & 15th, at the Rumba Cafe (2507 Summit Street / 614-268-1841. Distinct sets will be performed each night. Details at Rumba Cafe.

My Ten Most Memorable Moments As a Watershed Roadie - part one

My Ten Most Memorable Moments As a Watershed Roadie - part two

My Ten Most Memorable Moments As a Watershed Roadie - part three

Tales of Watershed, part one: Colin & the Stairwell

Tales of Watershed, part two: Kamakazes

Tales of Watershed, part three: The Strange Case of the Somnabulistic Stickman Streaker

Watershed “Suckerpunch” (Bonus Video Friday)

Ricki C. is 71 years old.  He has been involved professionally in rock & roll in some capacity - performer, roadie, rock writer - since 1968 when he sang his first song for pay in public; “Magic Carpet Ride” by Steppenwolf at a classmate’s basement birthday party.